Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions and other Nonsense

      In the year 2010 my New Years resolution was to lose 30 pounds, now mind you, that I have had the same New Years resolution for the last 10 years, and never ever came close to meeting this goal.  In fact, I may have, in past years, gained 30 pounds.  I would, in fact, blame this tragedy/ weight gain on my pursuit in the field of ministry.   I firmly believe somewhere in a random ministry handbook there is a section with a clause on weight gain, and to be in ministry you must put on at least 30 pounds your first year of ministry, or you have not properly shepherded your people and met the required daily Starbucks quota's.  Now some would disagree with me, but I have knowledge of this secret weight gain society. 

    Photo evidence.
 This picture was taken approximately two years after going into full time Children's Ministry.
      Okay, I may be stretching the truth a smidge, but only a smidge.  This year I actually completed my New Years resolution, it's a Christmas miracle, and lost 31 pounds.  Yippee!  I also learned an interesting fact-  if you increase your calorie intake by 300 calories a day you will put on approximately 30 pounds in a year.  Wowzers!   

This Christmas season.

   Alright, enough, out with 2010 and in with 2011.  This year I decided to up the stakes on resolutions and add a few more.  Here's the 2011 lineup:

Walk with God-   To be in the Word daily, to be praying for my family daily,  and to complete at least one women's bible study this year.

 Hubby-  To go on a date with my honey at least once a month.  To take a trip for   our 15th anniversary.  (Sandy, if your reading- hint, hint.)  :)

Weight loss-  To lose 20 more pounds and leave the other ladies who are joining the Biggest Loser challenge in the dust.  :)

   That's it for me folks! 

Blessings to you and yours!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Go Shannon, you will, through His power, accomplish these goals. I routin' for you :-)