Monday, January 3, 2011


  Christmas vacation is over, and I am already overwhelmed with responsibilities on the horizon- homeschooling, work, wifely duties, mom, friend, accountability partner, etc.   I am a planner by nature so I tend to run months ahead of myself and rarely enjoy the moment I am in, but that is not how I want to live this year.  I want to be full of gratitude, living in the moment, and not in the future.  I want to experience the joy of the  moment,  and not get ahead of myself worrying about  the future.

   Today I was reading Matthew 6:25-34, and it occurred to me that often my planning comes in the form of worry.  I plan a little for the future and worry a lot.  Verse 34 really stuck out to me: 

 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Matt. 6:34, NIV

   What really struck home is that I can plan for tomorrow, that is all well and fine, what I need to refrain from is worrying about tomorrow.   Tomorrow has enough worries for itself,  I will be present and engaged in today. 

   Today and every Monday from now on I will be linking up with  Multitudes on Monday- One Thousand Gifts,  a link party hosted by Ann Voskamp .    My goal is to have a gratitude list reaching a 1,000 by January 1, 2010.  Here's this weeks list:
         1.  Hot coffee made by my sweet husband in the morning.

         2.  Snow forts & snow covered little girls.

         3.  A son who is making progress (by leaps and bounds) in reading.

         4.  A chocolate haired girl who asks for my advice.

         5.  Family movie night.

         6.  A husband that reads his bible.

I think this picture is so cute- I couldn't resist.

         7.  Grandmas and their stories.

         8.  Good book's and flickering candles.

Blessings to you and yours!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Love this list! And I hope Sandy never loses that excitement! :)